Efpia Transparency code

Efpia Transparency code

Disclosure of transfers of value to Healthcare Professionals or Healthcare organisations.

Pharmaceutical companies member of EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industry and Associations) are required to disclose Transfers of Value made to Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) and organisations (HCOs).

They are therefore expected to disclose Transfers of Value in a given year within 6 months after the end of the relevant reporting period. (Thus, payments will be disclosed on 30th of June of the next year).

– Belgium:

Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Companies shall disclose transfers of value (ToVs) they make, directly or indirectly, for the benefit of a Healthcare Professional (HCP) or a Healthcare Organisation (HCO) on the central disclosure platform “BeTransparent”.

As a member of EFPIA and Pharma.be, Menarini Benelux N.V./S.A. is fully committed to transparency regarding ToV’s to HCP’s and HCO’s. ToV’s will be reported in line with all applicable local legislation (Law of 18 December 2016 containing various provisions relating to health, Title 3, Chapter 1 (Sunshine Act) and the Royal Decree of 14 June 2017 executing the Sunshine Act, Belgian official Journal 23 June 2017).

– The Netherlands:

The Transparency Register Foundation (Stichting Transparantieregister Zorg) was already established in 2012 for the purpose of providing insight into financial relationships between pharmaceutical companies and HCPs & HCO. The Foundation manages a central database which can be used to consult data on the financial relationships to be disclosed according to the EFPIA disclosure-code. Only data regarding research & development (for example for clinical trials) are not included in the central database. These can be found as an aggregated amount via the link to the specific file given below ( Direct access to the published data concerning the transfers of value).

– Luxembourg:

Transfers of value shall be disclosed according to the Deontology Code of the IML (Innovative Medicines for Luxembourg), formerly APL (Association Pharmaceutique Luxembourgeoise) that can be consulted on the website:


The transfers of values made by Menarini Benelux to Healthcare Professionals (HCP’s) and organisations (HCO’s) in Luxembourg can be found via the link to the specific file given below ( Direct access to the published data concerning the transfers of value).

Instant access to published data regarding the value transfers:


The betransparent.be platform:



- Central register:

Healthcare Transparency Registry

- Research & Development disclosure: