Our history


Menarini was established more than 125 years ago (1886) in a small laboratory in Naples, Italy. In 1915, the laboratories were transferred to Florence, where the Menarini head office is still located.
From the 1960s, Menarini already understood the importance of expanding its horizons beyond national borders. Actually, the plant of Laboratorios Menarini in Barcelona dates from this period. When Dr. Alberto Aleotti was appointed to the head of Menarini in 1964, it had 188 employees and ranked 352nd in the ranking of European pharmaceutical companies. The 1970s were characterized by the strengthening of Menarini's position in Italy.

This could be consolidated in the following decade thanks to numerous agreements with other important Italian pharmaceutical companies. It is under the aegis of Dr. Aleotti that Menarini has succeeded in developing his various strategies. Dr. Aleotti passed away in 2014. His daughter Lucia and his son Alberto Giovanni took then over as President and Vice President of the Menarini Group. The Menarini Group, led by the Aleotti family, decided in March 2018 to entrust as early as June the Chaimanship of the company to an external manager coming from another large multinational, Dr. Eric Cornut.

The origins of the company date back to the last century, to 1886, when Archimede Menarini opened the "Farmacia Internazionale" in the center of Naples. In 1915, Firenze was chosen as its headquarters, in the same location as today. Since then, a long history of international growth, global presence, research and development has begun.

Menarini was founded in Naples as a small laboratory named "Farmacia Internazionale Menarini"

Menarini moved its operations to Firenze, where it still has its headquarters today.

Alberto Aleotti was appointed director general of Farmaceutica Menarini and "Laboratorios Menarini" was launched in Barcelona, Spain.

Menarini signed numerous agreements with other major Italian pharmaceutical companies to strengthen its position in Italy.

Diagnostic Division was created - a global network of affiliated partners and distributors focused on diabetes, hematology, clinical chemistry, urinalysis and immunology.


Menarini collaborated with important Italian companies such as Malesci, Guidotti, Luso Farmaco, ... to strengthen core competencies and make the production and supply chain as efficient as possible. Menarini also established its research department: 'Menarini Ricerche'.

Menarini Benelux was founded. The team consisted of 15 people including 9 medical representatives.

Menarini rapidly expanded its international activities.

Acquisition of Berlin-Chemie, gave Menarini access to Central-Eastern European markets.


Opening van Menarini Biotech in Pomezia (Rome)


Lucia and Alberto Giovanni Aleotti took over from their father Albert.

Acquisition of the Invida Group, consolidating Menarini's presence in the Asia-Pacific markets.

Acquisition of Silicon Biosystems.

Menarini acquired CellSearch, a pioneer in advanced technologies for cancer diagnostics.

The Menarini Group decided to entrust the presidency of the company to Eric Cornut.

The board of had directors appointed Elcin Barker Ergun as CEO of Menarini Group.

Acquisition of Stemline strengthens Menarini's presence in the U.S. biopharmaceutical oncology market

Menarini Benelux has about 160 employees including 80 medical delegates. Menarini Benelux operates in several disease areas: cardiology, gastroenterology, anti-inflammatory, allergy, rhuematology, diabetology, urology and paediatrics.