Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions


The consulting of the Website www.menarini.be, hereafter " the Website ", requires agreement to the present terms of use without any reserves.

Editor of the Website:

Menarini Benelux N.V./S.A.,

De Kleetlaan 3, B-1831 Machelen
BCE 403.075.481


The consulting of a page of the Website makes you user. The user acknowledges and agrees that:

  • the form and the nature of the Website can be altered without prior notification

  • the editor may stop, permanently or temporarily, exploiting all or part of the Website at any time without notification

  • he/she is the only one responsible for all default to his/her obligations as provided for in the terms of use and for all the consequences of this default.

Access to part of the secured Website is restricted to:

  • professionals in health matter

  • other, user previously identified


The elements composing the Website (texts, graphics, software, pictures, images, videos, plans, brands, creations and protectable works, databases,…) as well as the Website itself are subjected to Belgian and international legislation on copyrights and intellectual property law. These elements are the exclusive property of the editor, except for the one realised by external contributors who did not transferred their copyrights. Any complete or partial representation or reproduction made without the consent of the author or of his/her legal successors is illicit. This also applies to translation, adaptation or transformation, layout or reproduction by any process. The editor is the producer of the database used or constituted by the Website. Any extraction or use of the database content that is not expressly authorised may engage the civil or criminal responsibility of his/her author. The editor reserves the possibility to use any legal remedy towards the person who did not respect this prohibition.

Trademark law:

The editor is owner of or authorised to use the denominations and logos, being brands, which are on the Website. Any use that is not expressly authorised may engage the civil or criminal responsibility of his/her author. The editor reserves the possibility to use any legal remedy towards the persons attempting to his/her rights or those of his/her legal successors.


The data contained in the Website are exclusively given only for information purposes. These are made accessible strictly for information purposes and do not constitute an incentive to use our medicines. As a consequence, Menarini Benelux N.V./S.A. recommends all visitors of the Website to consult their own doctors for all health questions (that is to say the diagnosis, the treatments, etc…). The Internet is by definition a worldwide community. The pharmaceutical industry is however ruled by laws that restrict the amount of information on pharmaceutical products that can be provided and which effects are territorially limited. Furthermore, the registration of pharmaceutical products can be different from country to country. Similarly, the approved texts on medicines can vary according to the national conditions of commercialisation.


The editor accepts no responsibility:

  • In case of interruption of the Website for technical maintenance operations or updating of the published information ;

  • In case of non permanent impossibility to access the Website (and/or the sites linked to it) because of technical problems and this whatever the origin and the provenance are ;

  • In case of direct or indirect damages caused to the user whatever the nature, resulting from the content, the access, or the use of the Website (and/or the other sites linked to it) ;

  • In case of irregular use or illicit use of the Website. The user of the Website is then the only person responsible for the damages caused to third persons and for the consequences of the complaints or actions at law that can follow. The user also renounces to exercise any action against the editor in case of proceedings started by a third person towards him/her because of the illicit use and/or the exploitation of the Website.

Hypertext link:

The Website may contain hypertext links towards other sites exploited by third persons. These links are provided for information. The editor do not have any control on these sites and accepts no responsibility for the access, the content or the use of these sites as well as for the damages that can result for the consulting of the information posted on these sites.

In particular, information contained in these external sites might not be in compliance with the current legislation on advertising of the pharmaceutical products and the opinions expressed on these sites do not necessarily reflect those of Menarini Benelux N.V./S.A or are not necessarily approved by the latter.

The decision to activate these links belongs to the entire responsibility of the net surfer.

No hypertext link may be created towards the Website without prior and express consent of the editor.

Whether a net surfer or a legal person wants to create, from his/her/its site, a hypertext link towards the Website, he/she/it must first contact the editor at the address here above mentioned. The (in)admissibility of such a request will be transferred to the concerned person.

Modifications to the general conditions for use:

The editor reserves the right to alter, freely and at any time, the general terms of use of the Website. Each net surfer connected to the Website is invited to regularly consult the present terms of use in order to be informed of the possible modifications. The use of the Website, as the terms of use change, constitutes the agreement, by each user, of the ongoing general terms of use.

Jurisdiction – Applicable law:

All disputes about the validity, the construction of the agreement and the execution of the present terms whatever the place of registration is, or the regulation will be first submitted to an attempt of out-of-court settlement.

If it fails to succeed within a month, the courts of Brussels will have exclusive jurisdiction even in case of warranty proceedings or of plurality of defendants.

The present general terms are subjected to Belgian law.