Menarini Benelux brings therapeutic and diagnostic solutions to patients. Through quality and innovation, Menarini builds privileged relationships with physicians, pharmacists and medical analysis laboratories.
The strong growth and dynamism Menarini Benelux N.V./S.A. over the last few years have not adversely affected the company's ability to maintain a human dimension. A very close relationship with our collaborators is very important, and also a high level of flexibility and responsiveness in the way we operate. The wealth of a company generated by its employees.

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Every single one of our employees contributes to the development and performance of our company thanks to their own history, culture, personality, and experience. Menarini realizes the importance of giving young graduates and beginners a chance. We are committed to taking on interns and work-experience students, with a focus on promoting the development of cross-functional skills. Our HR policy guarantees equal treatment and non-discriminatory practices for all. Menarini takes great care to ensure its employees' well-being and quality of life at work. Find out more about our job opportunities